Positive Psychology and Meaningful Living Conference


Please inform all who might be interested that they are welcome to attend the forthcoming summer conference entitled “The Positive Psychology of Flourishing Through Meaning and Purpose” (July 26-29, 2012, Toronto). This is being hosted by the International Network on Personal Meaning. Who should attend? Students, scholars, mental health professionals and anyone who values Viktor Frankl, positive psychology, resilience and eudaimonia is invited to submit a brief summary of their work for possible presentation at the conference. Or, delegates may attend as an interested member of the listening audience. A selected sample of keynote speakers include Richard Ryan, Chris Peterson, Jordan Peterson, Laura King, Todd Kashdan, Alan Waterman, and many other leading scholars such as humanistic psychologist Stanley Krippner as well as logotherapy practitioners such as Emmy Van Deurzen from the UK. and Paul Wong from Toronto. Viktor Frankl’s grandson, a filmmaker, will fly in from Vienna to talk and show his feature documentary film entitled, “Viktor and I”. The deadline for the call for papers is June 15 for non students and June 1st for students. For full conference information, visit www.meaning.ca/conference