Heidegger: Dwelling, Thinking, and the Ethical Life

The Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy, King’s University College at Western University, announces a call for papers for an upcoming international conference:

Heidegger: Dwelling, Thinking, and the Ethical Life

October 27–29, 2017

Plenary Speakers:

Dr. Dennis Schmidt, Western Sydney University
Dr. Julia Ireland, Whitman College
Dr. Stephen Lofts, King’s University College at Western University
Dr. Andrew Mitchell, Emory University

A critique that often appears in relation to Heidegger’s philosophy is that it lacks any ethical import. This claim has been exacerbated with the recent publication of his Black Notebooks. This conference seeks to mine Heidegger’s philosophy for its ethical possibilities. To this end, we welcome abstracts for proposed papers that focus on the possibilities for ethics and ethical thinking that stem from Heidegger’s philosophy. Papers can focus on the themes of thinking, dwelling, and the ethical life. We also encourage papers that look at Heidegger’s analysis of texts within the philosophical tradition, for example, Schelling, Hegel, Aristotle, Plato, etc. Papers that place Heidegger into dialogue with other philosophers on the central theme of the conference are also welcome. Finally, papers that highlight applications and implications of Heidegger’s thought for ethics and ethical practice are encouraged.

Abstracts of no more that 250 words should be sent to: Antonio Calcagno (acalcagn@uwo.ca) and Stephen Lofts (slofts@uwo.ca) by July 30, 2017.

For further information or queries, please contact Antonio Calcagno(acalcagn@uwo.ca)