CFP: The Street and the City – Encounters

The Street and the City – Encounters is the third in a series of multidisciplinary conferences devoted to the study of cities and the ways of living that have evolved in them over time. Although English Studies play a central role in this conference series, both from cultural and geographical points of view, all contributions related to the topic will be considered, in line with the previous conferences: The Street and the City – Awakenings and The Street and The City – Thresholds generated strong interest among researchers from a wide range of disciplines such as literature and cinema, tourism, architecture and sociology. This third conference aims to continue to explore the theme of the street and the city in all its plurality, taking into account its different dynamics.

This conference keeps its primary goal of fostering the interdisciplinary debate within the field of English Studies, acting as a productive space for disseminating the most recent academic research concerning Cultural Studies, Urban Studies and Tourism, as well as other fields of interest related to cities, their spaces and cultures. In addition to encouraging dialogue between different scientific perspectives, the Organising Committee wishes to promote informal networking gatherings among its participants.

We welcome proposals for papers, pre-organised panels, and roundtables (20 minutes per speaker) by 15th January 2019, to be submitted on the conference webpage: