NASEP: At the Origins of Phenomenology. Logic, Psychology, Ontology.

The theme of this conference will be the role and position of phenomenology within the development of logic, psychology, and ontology, as well as its contributions to addressing, and eventually clarifying those disciplines. Topics would include the psychologism/logicism debate, the foundations of mathematics and logic, the nature of intentionality and of intentional objects, mereology, the relationships between psychology and phenomenology, logic and ontology, psychology and logic, and phenomenology and mathematics. In addition to those mentioned, we encourage papers addressing and discussing thinkers like Herbart, Bolzano, Lotze, Brentano, and Frege, as well as the impact of phenomenology on 20th century thinkers such as Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, Hermann Weyl, Ludwig Binswanger, and others. As always, we welcome papers that deal with the full spectrum of early phenomenologists.