FEVER DREAMS, volume one of possibly more, cheaply bound and even more cheaply produced, an outlet for graduate students & bored assistant or adjunct professors & wordplay enthusiasts & and peripheral dilettantes, an exercise in type layout & readership & experimental publications immediately sent down the memory hole, catering to an audience of one or possibly fewer, academic (read: “serious”) in tone but absolutely not peer-reviewed, unplayful and archive-minded, a total bruise on the c.v., is looking for contributions.

FEVER DREAMS is an experiment in publication tactics as well as in the reach & pull of the online “Calls for Works” database. Not a zine, not an exhibition, and not quite a journal, FEVER DREAMS wants writings about, against, ignoring, embracing, or undoing the fever dream, hallucinogenic image, or psychic kaleidoscope in all its forms. FEVER DREAMS is a fever dream of publication itself.

FEVER DREAMS is not a chickenshit “outsider comix” outfit. FEVER DREAMS is looking for serious writing talent and discipline, though it understands that it isn’t going to be a high priority in anybody’s life. FEVER DREAMS is edited and produced by a single graduate student in English Literature and Language somewhere in Canada, and is meant entirely as an exercise in alternative research methods.

In short:

YES: Personal essays, research essays, transcriptions of dreams past and present (with context—we are interested in where you dreamt just as much as what you dreamt), in-depth explorations of personal trauma, sickness, illness, journeys, visions, shamanisms, etc., inclusive of loose definitions of these terms.

NO: Critical theory, seminar papers, poetry, fiction, artwork, “creative writing” as it is commonly known.

LENGTH: 500 to 2,000 words. Negotiable.

FORMAT: E-mail only. Send writing in body of e-mail—NO ATTACHMENTS. Include your name, a return e-mail address, maybe a bio if you want.

SEND TO: fever.dreams.publication@gmail.com

DEADLINE: Let’s make it around March 20, 2015.

IF SELECTED, YOU WILL GET: contributor copy, typed memo of thanks, street cred.