Extended Deadline for Kristeva Circle Conference Pittsburgh October 27-28

Keynote Speakers: Hortense Spillers, Vanderbilt University; Jack Halberstam, University of Southern California
Please submit abstracts (500-750 words) on any topic related to the work of Julia Kristeva to kristevacircle@gmail.com
We welcome submissions from across all disciplines. Themes may vary from study of Kristeva’s relevance in the arts, philosophy, theology, disability studies, etc. to the study of central themes in Kristeva’s work: abjection, melancholy, transference. Abstracts should be suitable for anonymous review: include a separate document with name, paper title, affiliation, and contact information. The deadline for abstracts is May 15th, 2017.

For more information about the Kristeva Circle, please visit kristevacircle.org

The 2017 meeting is organized by Carol Mastrangelo Bové (cbove@pitt.edu) and Giuseppina Mecchia (mecchia@pitt.edu). Funding has been provided by the University of Pittsburgh including John Beverley’s Research Budget, the Faculty Research and Scholarship Program, the Humanities Center, the European Studies Center, the Hewlitt International Grant, the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program, and the Departments of English, and French and Italian.

We invite graduate students to apply for some funding for travel support to give a paper.