Critical Theory Workshop 2016

The 2016 Workshop, directed by Gabriel Rockhill via Villanova University’s Doctoral Program in Philosophy, will take place from July 4-22 at the Sorbonne in central Paris. It is open to graduate students and faculty, as well as extremely advanced undergraduates and independent researchers.

The 2016 Workshop will be comprised of three interlocking components:
– “Débats”: invited speakers debate with the director on a common theme or question related to their research.
– “Rencontres”: intellectuals are invited to participate in public interviews regarding their work to date and their current projects.
– “Groupes de travail”: the participants workshop their own research projects in consultation with other participants and in preparation for a final conference.
The overall objective is to bring together a diverse panoply of thinkers from different horizons in order to cultivate productive debates around specific themes and issues. Invited guests for 2016 include Amy Allen, Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Jean-Pierre Cometti, Philippe Corcuff, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Vidya Kumar, Mary Beth Mader, Catherine Malabou, Thomas Pikkety, Jean-Michel Rabaté and Julian Sempill.

For more information and applications:
You can also follow the CTW/ATC on FB: