CFA/CFP: The Impact of the Reformation and the Future of Christianity in Europe

“Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics” is dedicating Nr.1/2018 to the reappraisal of the Impact of the Reformation and the Future of Christianity in Europe.

In view of the current global crisis, in which war conflicts and waves of refugees reinforces the existing mistrust and negative attitudes towards the religions as causes of violence, the question arises: How do matters stand with Christianity in Europe? Challenged from the outside by the socio-political changes of the European Union, as well as by Islam and Islamism, and internally divided into different denominations – does Christianity still have a future? Are there ways to reconcile the different positions of the Christian denominations? How could canonical tradition/law and reformation, resp. ecclesiastical dogmas and European values be reconciled today?

The jubilee of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s theses is a great opportunity to pursue these questions, as well as to reevaluate the spiritual and socio-political impact of the Reformation. Of interest are not only Protestant, but also Catholic, Orthodox, non-Christian and even atheistic contributions to these topics.
Philosophers and researchers working in the field of Religious Studies are invited to submit a brief abstract until 31th of Mars 2018. Authors who have already a finished unpublished paper are welcome to submit it within the abstract in order to help the peer review and the publishing process. Papers in their final form – proof read, formatted according the journal guidelines, and print ready – should be submitted no later than 30th of June.
Also welcome are book reviews, interviews, and event reports.
As a multilingual Journal Labyrinth accepts papers in English, French, and German. For more information about the journal policies and the submission’s guidelines please visit the journal’s homepage:
All abstracts and papers should be sent to the Guest Editor Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer: hans.ruckenbauer[at] , as well as to the Journal Editors: labyrinth[at]